My Girlfriend Catches All The Fish! Bluefish Blitz!

I saved my last Outer Banks video for a cold winter day like today…

Man Im ready for spring to bloom so I can go fish! In the mean time I gotta get outta the house and do some fishing, what should I do?? Chase some crappie?? Let me know in the comments please!

I hope you guys enjoy this video, its a good one! My girlfriend Brittney takes over for me and slays some bluefish. We had a nice school in close to shore and I was simple chunking up some fresh mullet on a custom top and bottom rig from The Red Drum Bait shop.

We fished all morning long and Brittney caught a bunch, strangely no one else around us was catching anything. We later go back in the evening and fish the point but I only land more bluefish, no reds that night.

Drop a line or a question and I will write back as soon as I can! We also just hit 1700 subs and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone one more time I really appreciate the support!

  • Follow me on Instagram! – SchusterFishing

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